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It’s a Great Day to be a T-Wolf!







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See What's Happening

This Is How We Roll

Fostering connection as we learn not for school, but for life.

It’s a Great Day to be a T-Wolf!!


Live events from THS Athletics, Performing Arts, and featured assemblies

Murphy Messages

Messages from Principal Murphy

Pride of the Pack

Celebrating the achievements of the students

About Us

We empower all students to become life long learners and contribute to society. As students approach learning and life with a positive attitude, we strive for each student to accept, respect, value, and embrace themselves and others.

Parents & Finance

Parents have the amazing opportunity to help support their student(s) through a variety of different ways like PTSA, the School Community Council (SCC), clubs, athletics, and more. There are other ways to contribute like participating in Learning and Development such as Table Talks, Mental Health Series, and Parent Night offered by the district.

Student Life


As students learn for life outside of high school, they can take part in any of our extracurricular activities like sports, performing arts, student leadership, clubs, and school dances.



Students have the amazing opportunity to tryout for our sports teams outside on the fields, in the large gym, or out in our beautiful community.



Students have a large variety of resources to help them excel in their academic endeavors like the PTSA, Media Center, Sterling Scholars, and more.


The 6 C's

The 6 C's are the skills and dispositions students and faculty need to become life long learners and prepare for life beyond high school.


As students learn how to learn, they develop traits of grit, resilience, self-regulation, responsibility, and integrity.


Students learn how to think like a global citizen, consider global issues based on an understanding of diverse values. They develop traits of compassion and empathy for others.


By working together, students learn how to manage team dynamics and develop social, emotional, and intercultural skills.


Students learn how to communicate effectively with a variety of styles, modes, and tools for different audiences.


By considering and pursuing novel ideas and solutions, students learn how to ask the right inquiry questions, turn ideas into action, and have an entrepreneurial eye for economic and social opportunities.

Critical Thinking

Students learn how to evaluate information and arguments, identifying connections and patterns, problem solving, constructing meaningful knowledge, experiment, and reflect on actions.

Meet The Admin

Our mission is to empower all students to become life-long learners and contribute to society. We deliberately develop and aim for all students to acquire the 6Cs. and foster connection and well-being for all students and staff, "SO THAT vision outcomes can be realized
for every student.

Accept, value, and respect one another regardless of differences. feel that, "Every Day Is a Great Day to Be a T-Wolf," earn a high school diploma and plan for a post-high school experience: college, trade, or military, and develop and acquire the 6Cs "SO THAT" they can transfer the skills and dispositions acquired through deep learning.

“We are a community of one striving for excellence.”

Theron Murphy


Cindy Ah Mu

Administrative Secretary

Rod Campbell

Assistant Principal

Ryan Francom

Assistant Principal

Kyle Robinson

Assistant Principal

Find us on Social Media
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @titantimpanogos
or on Twitter @WeAreTimpanogos